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How To solve "Payment Failed"

Sep 27, 2024 718 0

How To solve "Payment Failed"

When you pay, it will prompt "Payment Failed". How to solve? Don't worry, look here, you can do this


If it is not authorized, it needs the cardholder's phone authorization, and explain to the card issuer that the payment is made by me.

【2.High Risk】 

You need to provide a credit card or ID photo. The middle number of the card can be blocked, and the first four digits and the last six digits of the card number are reserved. If you are an old customer, you can provide the previous successful deduction record, and you can also deduct the payment again.

【3.Insufficient balance or limited quota】

You can recharge or re-order and change the card to pay

if choose : Credit Card (Safe and Fastest) fail

show Do not Honor”or“High Risk"

Please fill in your information carefully and keep it true when placing an order.

1. If the payment results "Do Not Honor".pls contact your issuing bank to prove yourself paying and then release, after authorizing pls inform us to deduct payment again.

2.If payment results "High-risk". pls show the front 4 digital number and last 6 digital number picture and we will send to issuing bank again for confirmation.

View My Order And Try to Pay

We have the following payment methods:

1. Contact our customer service to obtain an account for transfer payment. Transfer payment is an efficient payment method that will not be reviewed and intercepted by the bank.

    Some bank cards do not have the authority for cross-border payment, you can consider contacting your bank to open. Or change to a bank card with cross-border payment authority.

2. We have 3 online payment methods of credit card and debit card. If you fail the first time, it is recommended that you wait 3 minutes and choose the other two payment methods.

If all fails, then you can contact the bank and tell the bank: the website I just paid for (don't tell the bank the specific website name) is safe, please allow me to pay. After the bank replies that the permission has been released, you can try the above three credit card payments again.

This method can also be tried again the next day.

3. If your bank card has more than two debit records, please contact our customer service first to solve it, and we will tell you the solution.

4.choose zelle 

Customer service:


-Face book:Boo Cnfashion

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